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EV Characterization
Monday, April 22, 2024, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
Category: Student Network on EV Events

Series: EV Characterization
Speaker:  Olesia Gololobova
Affiliation: Johns Hopkins, School of Medicine
Date and Time: April 25th, 10 am EDT
Title:   Orthogonal Methods for Characterizing Extracellular Vesicles at the Single-Particle Level

CV/bio: Olesia Gololobova is a Research Associate at Johns Hopkins University. With a background in engineering, she excels in lab management, research, and consultation services, ensuring the highest quality support for extracellular vesicle (EV) studies. Dr. Gololobova is also the Co-Founder and Manager of EXCEL, an EV core facility at Johns Hopkins. She possesses extensive experience with instruments geared towards EV characterization, including at the single particle level.

ID:  879 8802 9410
Code: 551719