ISEV Special Interest Groups

ISEV Special interest groups (SIGs) are networks of EV researchers focused on specific EV biology or function. The overall aim of the SIGs is to foster interactions and knowledge exchange between researchers working on specific EV topics, thereby creating a fertile ground for novel discoveries, technology advancement and development of research talent. To this end, SIGs will organize specialized meetings or other events, and inform members about important discoveries and activities in the specific field.

SIGs are led by up to 4 (co)chairs that are experts in the specific field and represent all three ISEV Chapters, which are helped by larger expert boards. ISEV members can join specific SIGs by either completing this form or by accessing their online ISEV profile and finding the SIG selection profile question. Still not an ISEV member? Learn how you can join ISEV!

Currently, two ISEV SIGs are established:

What to expect from ISEV SIGs? Organization of specialized meetings, education activities or other events; communication about important discoveries and activities in the specific field; interaction with ISEV leadership to co-create activities needed to bring the field forward; contribution to products that will help overcome challenges in the specific field; and more.

Would you like to get involved? We are currently recruiting members and you can join today using our quick SIG enrollment form! Check the EViNS and GUSEV webpages for more detailed information.

Would you like to propose a new SIG? Contact Executive Chair of Science and Journals An Hendrix.


EVs in Nervous System Genitourinary System EVs