ISEV Awards

Special Achievement Award

The ISEV Special Achievement Award is presented each year at the ISEV annual meeting for outstanding contributions to EV science and/or ISEV. 


  • Richard Simpson (Australia) for utilizing integrated proteomic and genomic strategies to understand the role of the EVs in cancer progression


  • Sai Kiang Lim (Singapore) for her pioneering work on stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles
  • Juan Manuel Falcon Perez (Spain) for his work on rigor and reproducibility of extracellular vesicle research  


  • Rienk Nieuwland (Netherlands) for his relentless efforts in the rigor and standardization initiatives brought from hematology/cardiovascular microparticle experience into the EV field
  • Esther Nolte-'t Hoen (Netherlands) for her sustained efforts for education on EVs (EMBO course co-organization) and for bridging the EV, immunology and virology fields
  • Guillaume van Niel (France) for his sustained efforts for education on EVs (EMBO course co-organization) and for pioneering approaches and models for in vivo imaging of EVs


  • Kenneth Witwer (US) for his major achievements in promoting rigor and standardization and for disseminating EV science, as chair of ISEV Science and Meetings, coordinator of MISEV 2018, and creator of the EVClub online


  • Andrew Hill (Australia) for his service as President of ISEV from 2016-2020
  • Edit Buzás (Hungary) for major contributions to the EV field and to ISEV including as Education Chair from 2016-2020
    Summary in JEV


  • Marca Wauben (Netherlands) for recognition of her extraordinary service to EV science
  • Takahiro Ochiya (Japan) for his sustained contributions in leading the field in cancer and RNA extracellular biology research and as a mentor to younger researchers
    Summary in JEV


  • Graça Raposo (France) for her contributions to the science of EV biogenesis and immunology



  • Ermanno Bonucci (Italy) and H. Clarke Anderson (US) for their work on bone matrix EVs


  • Xandra Breakefield (US) for her discoveries in the area of cancer EVs and extracellular RNA


  • Clotilde Théry (France), Yong Song Gho (South Korea), and Peter Quesenberry (US) for their service as the first Editor-in-Chief team of Journal of Extracellular Vesicles (JEV)


  • Jan Lötvall (Sweden) for his service as the first ISEV President
    Summary in JEV 

Lifetime Membership Recipients

The honor of a lifetime membership is presented to individuals who have made exceptional contributions to ISEV organization, in recognition of their efforts.

  • David Greening (Australia) - 2024
  • Cherie Blenkiron (New Zealand) - 2024
  • Jan Lötvall (Sweden) - 2016
  • Margareta Sjostrand (Sweden) - 2016
  • Clotilde Théry (France)- 2016
  • Andy Hill (Australia) - 2020
  • Marca Wauben (Netherlands) - 2020

Past Annual Meeting Award Winners

To view all scholarship, oral and poster award winners from past annual ISEV meetings, view the Past Annual Meeting Award Winners page.

Other Awards

Other special awards are conferred as seen fit by the ISEV board and annual meeting organizers.

  • 2016 Education Award Recipient: Cecilia Lässer (Sweden) for her coordination of the first ISEV MOOC
  • 2020 Special Education Award: Carolina Soekmadji (Australia) for her coordination of the second ISEV MOOC
  • 2021 Early/Mid-Career Award: An Hendrix (Belgium) for major contributions to science, scientific rigor, and the EV community, including the EV-TRACK knowledgebase and EMBO course organization
  • 2021 Special Translation Award: Johan Skog (US) for development and commercialization of EV-based biomarker tests