Student Network on Extracellular VesiclesSNEV’s mission is to connect EV research students globally. The Student Network on Extracellular Vesicles (SNEV) was founded in 2020 and provides a platform for students to discuss, share knowledge, network, and establish collaborations with other students and early career researchers in the field of extracellular vesicles. ISEV believes in the mission and activities of SNEV. In 2021 a formal partnership between ISEV and SNEV was formed, with SNEV becoming a semi-autonomous entity within ISEV. ISEV provides support and advice to the growing SNEV organization, and SNEV leaders are invited to contribute to ISEV activities including the organization of the ISEV annual meeting. SNEV engagement with the student community can drive an increasing junior presence in ISEV. SNEV hosts a variety of virtual events for its members including a virtual conference, coffee catch-up sessions and industrial talks, as well as a series of workshops on writing, communications in science and data visualization. They also host the EV Club every 3 months, are active across a range of social media platforms, keeping you up to date on their activities and send out monthly newsletters featuring postdoc highlights and PhD student of the month to their members. Find out more on SNEV website!