EducationISEV is proud to lead educational efforts in the EV field by producing high quality meetings and workshops, the EV Club online journal club, MISEV guidelines, and self-guided educational activities. We are currently working on a new online portal for your EV educational needs. While this is developed, please browse these resources and links, and don't hesitate to reach out to our Education Committee if you need particular guidance on where to find useful EV information. ISEV MOOC CoursesA MOOC course is a massively open online course, a term for a self-guided educational activity. ISEV has two MOOC courses hosted on the Coursera website, where you can enroll for free and track your participation in the two MOOC courses at your own pace. The third and newest MOOC course is hosted on YouTube, allowing for a more flexible learning format. The ISEV MOOCs are an excellent way to take an in-depth examination of course content and a comprehensive overview of the course topic.
Course Organized by: Cecilia Lasser
Course Organized by: Carolina Soekmadji
Course Organized by: Rienk Nieuwland and Edwin van der Pol
ISEV Suggested ResourcesWe will be adding additional resources suggested by ISEV's Education Committee. |