
ISEV's Committees are led by tireless volunteers who dedicated time and energy to advancing ISEV's interests and programs. Through these committees, ISEV increases awareness about society and EV research. Getting involved in a committee is a great way to gain leadership skills and to give back to ISEV.

Meetings and Programs Committee

Committee Members: 

Andreas Möller (Executive Chair, Meetings and Programs)
Deborah Goberdhan (Secretary General)
My Mahoney (Board of Directors)
Naveed Akbar (Board of Directors)
Yiyao Huang (Board of Directors)

The ISEV Meetings and Programs Committee proposes operational guidelines, nominates meeting chairs and oversees organization of all ISEV scientific events and joint meetings with other societies or groups, including annual and specialized meetings, workshops and virtual events. 

Science and Journals Committee

An Hendrix (Interim Executive Chair, Science and Journals)
Nikki Noren Hooten (Board of Directors)
Takahiro Ochiya 
Clotilde Théry 
Sarah Williams

The committee supports and promotes scientific progress in the EV field by facilitating (i) reproducibility of EV research through Rigor & Standardization subcommittee activities, (ii) advancement of specific EV research areas through Special Interest Groups initiative, and (iii) dissemination of new discoveries through EV Club and ISEV YouTube channel. 

Scientific Reproducibility Sub-Committee

Aligned as a sub-committee of Science and Meetings, this group continues to refine ISEV's standards on rigor and standardization in EV Research. Visit the Scientific Reproducibility  page to find out more about our wide range of task forces and activities!

Education Committee

Committee Members: 
Randy Carney (Executive Chair, Education)
Sara Veiga (Board of Directors)
Young-Eun Cho (Board of Directors)
Colin Hisey
Natalie Turner

The ISEV Education Committee initiates activities that provide structured, scientifically sound, and state-of-the-art information regarding extracellular vesicles (EVs) and EV research. The committee aims to facilitate these activities in a manner that can keep up with new development in the rapidly evolving field of EVs. 

Activities include:

  • Supporting development of the Education Day program held during the ISEV Annual Meeting
  • Developing free-of-charge and open access massive open online courses
  • Designing an online platform with peer-reviewed state-of-the-art information regarding detection and isolation methods in video and text formats
  • Co-organizing educational workshops

The Educational Committee is composed of an Executive Chair who serves on the ISEV Executive Committee, and members who are appointed from the ISEV Board of Directors. 

Translation, Regulation, and Advocacy

Led by JuanMa Falcon, the ISEV Translation, Regulation and Advocacy Committee's will help to facilitate the environment to translate the EV research to the society.

Committee Members: 
Juan Manuel Falcon-Perez (Executive Chair, Translation, Regulation, and Advocacy)
Benedetta Bussolati (Board of Directors)

Carlos Salomon (Board of Directors)
Kenneth Witwer (Board of Directors)

Yu Fujita (Board of Directors)
Antonio Marcilla (Non-board)
Christian Neri (Non-board)

Konstantin Glebov (Non-board)
Mario Gimona (Non-board)
Natasa Zarovni (Non-board)
Qing Ling Fu (Non-board)
Rosella Crescitelli (Non-board)

Saumya Das (Non-board)
Stefano Pluchino (Non-board)

The committee is devoted to collect and analyze the perspectives and requirements for the successful translation of EV research pipeline into viable clinical or consumer care solutions and products going through the different possible EV applications in diagnostics, therapeutics, cosmetics, food, agriculture, by identifying and engaging major gaps and stakeholders of the whole value chain.

ISEV's new Translation, Regulation, and Advocacy Committee would like to invite you to contribute your thoughts and knowledge on EV translational efforts. Please click here to participate:

Specifically, we would value your feedback on the degree to which EVs have been translated, awareness of EV potential, and the use of EVs in different industry sectors. We would also like to gather your expectations and suggestions for the new Committee. Please note that Information provided here may be made freely available to assist with reinforcing and promoting EV research and applications.

Communications and Membership Committee

Led by Ana Claudia Torrechilas, Communications and Membership oversees ISEV's various communication channels and membership development.

Committee Members:
Ana Claudia Torrecilhas (Executive Chair, Communications)
Edit Buzas (Past President)
Dylan Burger (Board of Directors)
Sarah Williams (Board of Directors)
Sujata Mohanty (Board of Directors)
Suresh Mathivanan (Board of Directors)
Tom Driedonks (Board of Directors)
Yunxi Chen (Non-board/Webmaster)

The ISEV Communications and Membership Committee plays a crucial role in overseeing internal and external communications, as well as marketing initiatives. This committee ensures the consistent implementation of communication and marketing strategies on an annual basis. The committee is also responsible for membership retention efforts and new member recruitment, as well as coordinating with the Science and Meetings Committee and relevant conference international organizing committees to develop meeting advertisements. The ISEV Communications team holds the responsibility of regularly updating the E-newsletter, maintaining the social media platforms and ISEV website, and enhancing the membership experience.