Special Interest Group (SIG) on Genitourinary System EVs (GUSEV)


GUSEV has evolved naturally from the activities of the ISEV Rigor and Standardization Urine Task Force. While this task force continues to advance reproducibility in urinary EV research, GUSEV will focus its activities on education, cross disciplinary and cross-society collaboration and professional networking beyond the scope of rigor and standardization.

GUSEV welcomes new members with a diverse basic and translational research background in various disciplines including but not limited to the fields of Nephrology, Urology, Gynecology, Andrology, transplantation biology, cancer research, etc.

Chair Contact Info

Chair: Uta Erdbruegger (United States) | Co-chairs: Elena Martens-Uzunova (The Netherlands) | Dylan Burger (Canada) | Monica Ng (Asia-Pacific)



If you are interested check the ISEV Special interest groups (SIGs) information page. To join, you must first be an ISEV member, and then you can login and complete the enrollment form.

Enrollment Form

Activities & Upcoming Events

  • GUSEV Education Day

  • GUSEV and ISEV JC joint venture. Update coming soon. 

Past Events

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