MISEV revision process 2022-2023

The opportunity to participate in the MISEV revision has passed. The information below is included for historical context, to demonstrate how ISEV members were invited to be part of the process.

The next MISEV (Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles) is coordinated by ISEV and led by Joshua Welsh, Lorraine O'Driscoll, and Deborah Goberdhan.

To participate, see the draft here.

Please note that this is a rough draft, not an end product!

To help improve the draft and potentially become an author, please complete the authorship survey by Friday, August 26, 2022 at: [survey link removed]

If you are not an ISEV member (authorship requirement), see: https://isev.org/Membership

What are the requirements for authorship?

  • Only those who complete the full survey (most questions are mandatory) will be considered for authorship. As needed, additional surveys may be sent prior to the final draft.
  • After revisions, a final version will be sent to all participants for assent within a specified time period, also mandatory for inclusion in the authorship.
  • Authorship will be offered only to those with legitimate affiliations; in any doubt, the decision of the ISEV board is final.
  • ISEV membership is requested.* There are several reasons for this, outlined below, but also possible exceptions. If you are not an ISEV member, please sign up at https://www.isev.org/membership.

Note that "community membership" and "junior membership" will both suffice and are only $40. In case of financial hardship, this can potentially be waived.

*Why the request for ISEV membership?

) MISEV is an ISEV initiative. ISEV has been the leading international organization on EV research for more than a decade, representing EV scientists from around the world. The first MISEV was written by the ISEV board, and candidacy for participation was expanded to all ISEV members (and some others) in 2018. As the chief rigor initiative of ISEV, MISEV has been prepared and coordinated by ISEV volunteers, who have spent large amounts of their personal time on this project. ISEV covers the costs of the tools and staff needed to gather and track the various contributions as well as the costs of publication. MISEV is also distributed through the Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, established by ISEV and its volunteers.

2) ISEV membership can be considered as a sign of active participation in the field, albeit certainly not the only one.

3) ISEV members and their affiliations are vetted as part of the membership sign-up. The coordinating authors can thus rely on the membership data as a confirmation of identity and "legitimate affiliation". This is especially important for papers with large authorship lists, which are complicated and tedious to curate.

For these reasons, MISEV author candidates are requested to be ISEV members. If you are not an ISEV member and cannot afford a membership, you can still complete the author survey and ask for an exception.