QuantitatEVs: Multiscale analyses, from bulk to single vesicle
Thanks to everyone who attended the QuantitatEVs meeting! Check back later for a recap of this meeting.
The ‘QuantitatEVs’ workshop aims to discuss quantitative strategies and harmonized wet and computational approaches towards the comprehensive analysis of EVs. Ranging from bulk to single vesicle analyses and with a focus on emerging technologies, our workshop will cover the quantitative analysis of different EV-associated molecular components and relevant EV biophysical features which are the core of EV-associated biomarkers discovery and validation for their clinical translation.
The workshop will be held in Trento (Italy) from January 31 to February 2, 2023 and will continue with the “Next generation EVs” satellite event in Milan on February 3, where selected young investigators will be put under the spotlight. The Workshop will be in-person only.
International Organizing Committee (IOC)
- Francesca Demichelis, Co-Chair IOC, University of Trento, Italy
- Marina Cretich, Co-Chair IOC, SCITEC-CNR, Milano, Italy
- Manuela Basso, University of Trento, Italy
- Benedetta Bussolati, University of Turin, Italy
- Dolores Di Vizio, Cedars-Sinai, USA
- Alessandro Gori, SCITEC-CNR, Milano, Italy
- Metka Lenassi, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Juan Falcon Perez, CIC bioGUNE, Spain
- Ken Witwer, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Thank you to the Pezcoller Foundation for their generous support of this workshop:

Thank you also to the following sponsors:
We acknowledge the endorsement by the Italian Society of Extracellular Vesicles (EVIta).
