Scientific Reproducibility Task Forces SOPThe contents of an approved ISEV Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) are provided below for ISEV member information. Authors: Metka Lenassi, Rienk Nieuwland, Juan Falcon-Perez, Ken Witwer, Clotilde Théry 1. ISEV SR Task Force Structure: Task forces are teams of experts that provide recommendations to improve the reproducibility of EV research in the form of position papers, guidelines, minimal reporting standards, online databases (EV-TRACK) and other products. At any moment, up to 15 task forces on specific EV topics can exist. Task forces are further organized into working groups, defined as temporary groups of experts working towards one specific product or objective. Every task force member can propose (and lead) a working group to focus on a specific product or objective, and other task force members can join the initiative. The proposed lifetime of a working group is 3 years, in which it is expected to deliver a product or objective. Several working groups, each focusing on different products or objectives, can co-exist in a task force, and task force members can participate in multiple working groups. A new task force can be proposed by submitting a survey that is available on the SR webpage ( The survey covers the topic of the proposed task force, the relevance of the task force for the ISEV community, chairs’ scientific contribution to the topic and leadership experience, and proposed products and timeline. The proposal is discussed by the SR subcommittee chairs and its conclusion will be presented to the ISEV Science & Meetings committee for approval. The task force is led by chairs (ideally no more than two), who are ISEV members and are established experts on the proposed EV topic, and are willing to dedicate time towards task force efforts. The chairs, with input from task force members, define the overall objective of the task force, propose specific products or objectives, and support the working groups to deliver those in time. The chairs are also responsible for coordinating activities between the working groups, and for the communication with the other task forces and with the SR subcommittee. ISEV encourages task force chairs to identify and mentor their successors, ideally among the task force working group leaders. Changes in task force leadership can help promote fresh ideas and outlooks. Responsibilities of task force chairs:
3. Task Force Members: Each task force can have up to 30 members, who are ISEV members and experts on the task force topic. Kindly consider representation of different ISEV geographical chapters, different research groups/institutions and gender balance. Task force members can be recruited through surveys to membership, virtual events, literature search or professional networks. Instructions on how to develop and distribute surveys are detailed in Section 4. A task force can accept new members or remove inactive members during task force lifetime at the discretion of the task force chair(s). Inactive members are those who do not attend task force meetings, are generally not responsive, and do not help to achieve its goals. Industry ISEV members can be accepted at the discretion of the task force chair(s), but cannot serve in leadership roles. The possibility of industry members’ involvement in task forces should be clearly stated on the R&S webpage, to enable equal opportunity for all companies. It is important to always disclose conflict of interest (COI) and clearly report on the roles of industry members in any product. If expertise is needed that is not available in the ISEV community, entities outside ISEV can be invited to the task force. Involvement of non-ISEV members must be approved by the R&S chairs. 4. Communication With ISEV Members: Membership surveys are a popular method to get feedback from the EV community on specific challenges/topics identified by the task forces. Surveys are developed by task forces, with the help of previous surveys (samples uploaded to R&S online folder in pdf format) and with input from the R&S subcommittee members. After approval of the survey by the R&S chairs, the survey will be built in the SurveyMonkey tool and distributed among ISEV members and, possibly, beyond. To optimize communication with ISEV members, other task forces will be asked to share any other prepared surveys. Possibly, more than one survey can be distributed in the same e-mail blast. The timeline for distribution (maximum of two blast e-mails per survey) will be decided in communication of R&S chairs with the Executive Chair of Communication. Results of the surveys will be shared with the task force and/or working group chairs. Virtual events: If the task force would like to recruit members or present/distribute their work in the form of a virtual event, the task force chairs should contact the Executive Chair of Science & Meetings, who will guide them. 5. Communication With ISEV: ISEV will organize an online R&S folder, with all documents related to the task forces that can be accessed by task force chairs and R&S subcommittee members. Regarding all activities connected to task forces, task force chairs will communicate with R&S chairs, who will be their ISEV contact. For any changes to the task force webpage, task force chairs should contact TMG ([email protected]). 6. ISEV (Rigor & Standardization Subcommittee) Support:
7. ISEV Rigor & Standardization Grants ISEV aims to improve reproducibility of EV research by funding projects aimed to promote rigor and standardization efforts of ISEV task forces, special interest groups and inter-societal working groups. ISEV aims to support as many competitive projects as possible, within the yearly ISEV R&S Grant budget of 20,000 USD. ISEV R&S Grant funds may be allocated to pay for direct costs (e.g. shipping and related consumable costs for inter-laboratory studies), but do not cover salaries or travel costs. Collaborative projects between task forces, special interest groups, or inter-societal working groups are encouraged and may be also submitted. Applicants must be a) members of ISEV, and b) active members of a task force, special interest group or an inter-societal working group. The project proposal must be approved by the Chair(s) of task forces, special interest groups or inter-societal working groups. The Application must include the following documents:
Applications can be submitted through the online survey year round or on the R&S webpage. Project proposals will be reviewed by the ISEV R&S Grant committee, consisting of co-chairs of ISEV Rigor & Standardization subcommittee, one ISEV Science & Meetings committee member, and two independent EV experts. The committee will review on a continuous basis after the annual meeting, after the summer, and after the January task force call. Awardees will be informed by e-mail. All awardees will also be announced during the General Assembly at the annual ISEV meeting. ISEV expects that the funding is acknowledged in scientific outreach as publications, web sites and presentations, and that results will be presented within two years at the annual ISEV meeting. For assistance regarding the ISEV R&S Grant Program, please contact the ISEV R&S chairs. Back to Rigor & Standardization |